Sunday of London


How she sleeps with... Sunday of London


This week, we went under the covers with Natasha, founder of botanical candle company, Sunday Of London.


We’re huge fans of Natasha’s creations, which share our values of caring for the environment while providing beauty and comfort. All her candles are handcrafted, only using sustainable materials and practices.


Here's how she sleeps...



Tell us a little about yourself and Sunday?


I'm Natasha, a London based fine artist and perfumer. I’ve always had a strong interest in the natural world and healing botanicals. In fact, my family's heritage in wild healing medicine so, creating Sunday was an extension of what I'd experienced and developed over the years. 


So, creating Sunday Of London, I set out to create fragrances that were rooted in nature while having that ‘elevated luxury’ foundation that can often get lost in essential oil fragrances.




What does your evening routine look like?


My evening routine is a wind-down from the randomness and stress of the day, my skincare routine is a vital part! I love a homemade mask of yoghurt, honey and turmeric and a few candles to set the mood. 



What makes a good night's sleep for you?

I used to have a lot of trouble sleeping but, since switching from coffee to matcha and trying to stay more physically active, I’ve seen a huge improvement to my sleep pattern. I generously mist Sunday Of London’s signature Sleepy Mist before I doze off for a tranquil and regenerative night's sleep.



What is your favourite way to destress?


I love cycling down the canal to my studio in Hackney wick, it’s such a beautiful sight in the city. Lowering my screen time and getting back to nature also helps, there are so many stunning forests and green spaces in London that are truly breathtaking. 


Tell us about your favourite GENE product?


I am in love with Gene's silk t-shirt dress. As a bit of a casual girl, and I’m rarely seen without my trainers on! So, Lora’s pieces are perfect for my personal style and can transition to fit absolutely any occasion.


Keep an eye on our Instagram @loragene_ for our upcoming competition with the gorgeous Sunday of London!